Phyllis Wheatley Community Center is dedicated to serving the people of North Minneapolis. Our goal is to help everyone in our community reach their potential through activities and services that strengthen minds, bodies, spirits, families, and communities. We offer several valuable services that are free and open to the public.
Quality Parenting Academy
Raising children is the hardest job there is, and often parents need support and guidance along the way to empower them and provide them with a skill set for success. That is why PWCC is offering this invaluable curriculum to all parents who are experiencing parenting difficulties facing custodial challenges or just want to feel more confident in their parenting abilities! Join this 7-week course taught by licensed therapists today!

Kimberly Caprini
Program Manager
Community Resource Services
Phyllis Wheatley’s Community Resource Services program provides holistic, wraparound services and activities for individuals and families in and around North Minneapolis. Our coordinator works with families participating in our programs, as well as anyone in need of resources, to connect them with organizations and opportunities to help them overcome the barriers they face.
By partnering with other nonprofits in North Minneapolis, CRS ensures that once an individual enters our building, they receive assistance in all areas they may need it in. By building a network of service agencies, CRS is able to help folks with food assistance and other issues and provides referrals to agencies that exist to help.
Additionally, staff enliven the spaces in and around Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, providing fun, family-friendly, engaging activities like a Juneteenth celebration, open gym, game nights, book clubs, senior activities, and more.
To learn more about community events and activities organized by Phyllis Wheatley check out our events page.
When you’re at Phyllis Wheatley Community Center, it’s likely you’ll be greeted by a volunteer. Volunteers are a valuable part of our community and give their time at our front desk, events, and more.
To volunteer, contact us at info@phylliswheatley.org
or call 612-374-4342